Teacher librarian as connector

Image created by Holly Broadland for LIBE 462 using WordSwag app As I am currently a classroom teacher anticipating my first days as a teacher librarian, I look at the role of the teacher librarian with idealism and optimism. In past courses towards my teacher librarianship diploma, I have focused on the relationships a TL develops with students, teachers, admin, parents, and other teacher librarians as one of the major aspects of the role. I see the TL as the connector between people and knowledge. Teacher librarian as connector, image from FotographieLink on Pixabay I continue to believe that being able to develop relationships with the school community is an essential aspect of the job. If no one likes the librarian, people aren't going to want to go to the library and collaborate! Chocolate chip cookies, photo by Holly Broadland I created a Padlet in LIBE 462 entitled Collaboration in the Library . It includes my thoughts on how to encourage collaboration, and...