Libraries around the world - Inquiry Blog Post #4

Creative Commons licensed image courtesy of GDJ on Pixabay In researching global libraries, I came across the Beyond Access Bangladesh program, sponsored by IREX and Save the Children , and read about their work in libraries in Bangladesh. This program started by working with twenty libraries to develop library programs for children. Before this program started encouraging children to come to the library, the library had no activities for children and very few of the visitors were children . The pilot program libraries were given supplies for a children's area in the library as well as four Samsung tablets loaded with books and games. Librarians received training and worked with children to encourage them to visit the library. I found an evaluation of the Beyond Access Libraries Program in Bangladesh and it included infographics stating that children used tablets 60,000 times between November 2015 and June 2017 and the monthly average number of children visiting the library ...